Finnish Film Foundation’s logos
Support recipients should use the Finnish Film Foundation’s logo in their communications when listing financers or other partners. See the chart below to learn when and where the logo or animated logo should be used.
Download the logos
The logos are available as PNG, PDF, SVG and AI files in Finnish, English, Swedish and Northern Sámi.

in English (png)

in Finnish (png)

in Swedish (png)

in Northern Sámi (png)
The animated logo
All films (excluding international minority co-productions) that have received production support from the Finnish Film Foundation must include the Foundation’s animated logo in the opening credits alongside other distribution, financing or production company logos in all distribution channels (cinema, television, online platform & festival).
The animated logo must be used in domestic distribution, Nordic distribution and all festival distribution even if no other animated logos of financiers are included in the opening credits. This includes short and documentary films.
Series and international minority co-productions that have received production support do not need to use the animated logo but must mention the Finnish Film Foundation in their opening credits when other financiers and partners are also listed.
The animated logo must also be included in the opening credits of films that have been digitised with the support from the Foundation.
The Foundation’s animated logo is eleven seconds long. A silent version of the animated logo may also be used and the logo clip maybe edited for time as long as the text remains readable. The animated logo is available in Finnish, Swedish and English. You may choose with language version you use according to the film copy (for example, the English version for international festival copies).
Enquiries regarding the animated logo: communications department
Print logo
When the Foundation has granted development support, production support or marketing and distribution support for a film or series, the recipient is obliged to include The Foundation’s current logo and a mention of the support granted – for example, Development support/The Finnish Film Foundation YYYY (the year in which the decision was made) – in the closing credits of the film or series. The Foundation’s logo must also be visible in all the marketing materials of the film or series (e.g. posters) whenever the other financiers’ logos are used.
The logo should also be used in the marketing materials of film festivals, international projects and projects that have received support for other film culture from the Foundation.
Please make sure that you are always using the current version of the logo and the animated logo!
You may use the vertical or horizontal version of the logo. You may not crop or edit the logo.
When to use which logo:
Support type | The Foundation’s logo + mention* of support in the closing credits | The Foundation’s logo in marketing materials | The Foundation’s animated logo in the opening credits | Mention* of the Foundation in the opening credits |
Development support | x | x | ||
Slate development support | x | x | ||
Production support / film | x | x | x | |
Production support / series | x | x | x | |
Production support / minority co-production | x | x | x | |
50/50 production support | x | x | x | |
Marketing and distribution support | x | x | ||
Project support for international promotion | x | |||
Support for digitalization of domestic films | x | x | ||
Operational support for film festivals | x | |||
Support for promotion of other film culture | x |
* The mention can be in any font of your choosing.
Questions? Please reach out to our communications department.