Finnish Film Foundation Strategy 2026
Vibrant film industry
Culture is a unique national resource that strengthens people’s well-being and sense of community. A high-quality and diverse creative culture is the hallmark of a civilized state. Culture promotes the national image and brings with it both mental and financial prosperity. Without culture, there is no national identity, shared values or heritage.
Audiovisual culture employs a large number of people, it is impactful, and accessible to its audience. Cinema is one of the most popular cultural experiences for Finns, and it is easily reachable for all citizens. Finnish film and TV productions are also very competitive internationally, and their growth potential must not be lost.
Public funding for the film industry, which returns to the state both directly and indirectly through tax revenues, attracts more private funding, increases export income and secures the operating conditions of the entire audiovisual industry.
The Finnish Film Foundation operates in a unique way at the center of the audiovisual industry. The Foundation supports all areas that are vital for a functioning and healthy AV industry: creators and stories, companies and audiences. The Film Foundation ensures the existence of a cinema network covering the entire country and ensures diverse film programming both for large audiences and more targeted groups. The foundation also promotes the success of Finnish filmmakers and stories internationally.
The public funding of film culture, already years behind development is facing further cuts making the coming years exceptionally challenging for both the operation of the Film Foundation and the viability of the entire audiovisual industry. The development of production and distribution technology and the widespread use of artificial intelligence bring new opportunities to the audiovisual sector, but also require clear common rules of the game to ensure the profitability of creative work.
We are:
A suportive and encouricing workplace community
- We are present for each other and work together to maintain a positive team spirit.
- We develop the industry in cooperation with our clients and partners.
- We recognise our mistakes and are not afraid to learn from them.
On the same side with the Industry
- We operate in a predictable and clear manner.
- We are ambitious and open-minded with our support policy.
- We invest in approachable customer service.
An expert and resposible partner
- We adapt flexibly to coming changes.
- Our work is well-known and it reaches a large audience.
- We are a valued enabler of the film industry.
We are impacted by:
Climate change
Developing more environmentally sustainable production and distribution methods are crucial in fighting climate change and biodiversity loss.
Demographic change
Immigration, population aging and increasing regional differences will also change film audiences and their reachability.
Technological development
Increasing use of AI and changes in distribution methods will shape creative work, film production as well as viewing habits.
Future of funding for culture
Upcoming cuts to the state’s culture budget will also impact public funding available for the film industry.
For the next three years we will focus on:
1. Securing the operational capacity of the Film Foundation
We strive to strengthen the position and profile of an independent Film Foundation in the eyes of decision-makers. We aim to increase the operating funds of the Foundation in order to remedy the constant lack of resources. We respond to the growing number of applications by simplifying processing procedures. We want to take care of our personnel’s well-being by focusing on core tasks and exploring the possibilities of utilising artificial intelligence.
2. Increasing funding
We aim to increase cultural funding in accordance with the Target Program of the Audiovisual Industry. We are trying to ensure that the additional funds brought by the AVMS directive are channeled through the Film Foundation for further allocation.
3. Support policy corresponding to needs
We plan for a more flexible support policy, where support funds are allocated annually to the most acute needs in terms of the industry’s operations. We want to promote a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable production culture as well as equality in the film industry through training, funding and support criteria in cooperation with other operators in the industry.
4. Securing film distribution in Finland and internationally
We are trying to secure the operating conditions of the cinema network covering the entire country by allocating more support funds to updating outdated screening technology in small and medium-sized towns. We support foreign distribution by investing in internationally convincing projects and creators.

Lasse Saarinen
Chief Executive Officer
+ 358 9 6220 3023

Matti Paunio
Head of Production
• management of the production department
• coordinating the Foundation’s international training and co-production projects
• the Finnish representative in the Eurimages Fund
• support for the promotion of other film culture
+358 9 6220 3038

Niina Otva
Head of Administration
• financial management and administration
• deputy of the CEO
+ 358 9 6220 3028

Jaana Puskala
Head of International Department
• managing international promotion
• project support for international promotion: feature films
+ 358 9 6220 3026

Reetta Hautamäki
Head of Communications and Research
• management of the communications and research department
• sustainability initiatives
+ 358 9 6220 3044