Two new videos on current funding issues

We have published two new videos informing support applicants about the current and upcoming issues regarding support for production, exhibition and distribution.
The videos are subtitled in Finnish, Swedish and English (press CC in the bottom right-hand corner of the video).
If you have questions remaining, you can always contact us via the feedback form or by email.
Support for production
CEO Lasse Saarinen and Head of Production Matti Paunio talk about current issues regarding support for production and look into 2021 as well. There is a reminder about the support process and receiving feedback from the commissioners.
Support for exhibition and distribution
Exhibition and Distribution Specialist Ilmari Arnkil talks about current issues regarding support for cinemas and distributors. There is some preliminary information on the upcoming Accessibility Guide for cinemas. We also remind the applicants to carefully prepare the applications so that the support process or payment of support is not delayed.