New accessibility guide available for cinemas

A forum assembled for advancing accessibility in Finnish cinemas has published a concise yet wide-ranging guide on accessibility. Finnish Film Foundation, other organizations from the film industry, disability organizations and Culture for All Service took part in the Film Accessibility Forum.
In addition to accessibility in the built environment, the guide takes into consideration other obstacles that people may have in terms of cinema-going. For example, it is recommended that the assistant of a person with disabilities should not have to pay for the ticket. Screenings with subtitles for the hearing-impaired should also be readily available, also in prime time.
Communicating about the accessibility of the cinema is also important, and sends a message to all customers that they are welcome in the cinema and can feel safe there. The cinema staff should be educated to ensure their ability to act correctly in different situations.
The Forum recommends that all cinemas write an accessibility plan. Cooperation is the best way to achieve accessibility solutions. All disability organisations have local or regional associations that are happy to provide expert assistance.
The guide is available free of charge in English, Finnish and Swedish.
Accessibility Guide for Cinemas (pdf)
Saavutettavuusohje elokuvateattereille (pdf)
Tillgänglighetsanvisning för biografer (pdf)
The following parties took part in the forum in 2017–2020: Finnish Film Foundation, Finnish Chamber of Films, Finnish Film Distributors’ Association (SEL), Finnish Cinema Association (SEOL), Finnish Film Producers, Finnkino, Atlantic Film, Finnish Federation of Hard of Hearing, Finnish Association of the Deaf, Threshold Association, Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired, Näkövammaisten kulttuuripalvelu ry, and Culture for All Service/ The Association For Culture on Equal Terms.