Statistics and Research

Finnish Film Foundation is responsible for the compilation of official statistics on the film industry in Finland.

We produce comprehensive statistics on our own activities, the impact of public funding and on the production, distribution and exhibition of films in Finland. 

In addition, we produce and commission studies and reports on the film industry. Support for research projects benefiting the entire film industry can be applied for from the Support for the promotion of other film culture.

We adhere to the criteria and methodology defined by the European Audiovisual Observatory and are also involved in developing data gathering in the film sector within the European Film Agency Research Network EFARN.

In Finland, the library of the National Audiovisual Institute collects literature, theses and studies on the film and audiovisual sector.

Finnish Film Foundation’s privacy statement for research (pdf)

Finnish Film Foundation’s privacy statement for statistics (pdf)

Information about the culture sector

Website, maintained by the Ministry of Education and Culture, offers a collection of statistical reports with conceptual descriptions, a grant directory, and news from industry publications.

Facts & Figures

Take a look at our yearly Facts & Figures on the Foundation’s operations, on film production, equality, distribution, admissions and international success of Finnish films.

Facts & Figures

Cinema admissions statistics

In English, we provide a list of domestic film admissions:

A database of Finnish cinema admissions data is available in Finnish. 

Cinema Admissions


  • Suomenkielinen nimi = Finnish title
  • Alkuperäinen nimi = Original title
  • Katsojat = Admissions
  • Lipputulot = Box office revenue
  • Ensi-ilta = Premiere
  • Valmistumisvuosi = Year of completion
  • Ohjaajat = Directors
  • Tuotantomaat = Production countries
  • Lisätieto = Additional information

Production database

We also provide a database of productions that have received production support from the Finnish Film Foundation. The database is available in Finnish:

Production database


  • Elokuva = Film
  • Ohjaaja = Director
  • Tukivuosi = Support year
  • Valmistumisvuosi = Year of completion
  • Tuen hakija = Applicant
  • Tuotantotuet € = Production support in euros
  • Budjetti = Budget
  • Lisätieto = Additional information

For further information please contact:

Petri Peltonen

Statistics and Research Specialist

• managing statistical data
• coordinating the Foundation’s research activities

+358 9 6220 3034