Feature films
Bad Women
- Category
- Feature films
- Directors
- Niklas Lindgren
- Screenwriters
- Karoliina Lindgren, Niklas Lindgren
- Producers
- Miia Haavisto
- Premiere
- 25.2.2022
- SES grant
- 858 730 €
- Budget
- 1 370 000 €
- Production companies
- Tekele Productions Oy
- Distribution companies
- SF Studios Oy
Witness the Fitness
- Category
- Feature films
- Directors
- Aleksi Delikouras
- Screenwriters
- Pekko Pesonen
- Producers
- Olli Haikka, Marko Talli
- Premiere
- 21.10.2022
- SES grant
- 779 700 €
- Budget
- 1 630 000 €
- Production companies
- Yellow Film & TV
- Distribution companies
- SF Studios Oy
Nurses – Dreadful Hospital Outage
- Category
- Feature films
- Directors
- Toni Laine
- Screenwriters
- Petja Peltomaa
- Producers
- Jarkko Hentula, Lotta Westerberg
- Premiere
- 5.11.2021
- Production companies
- Yellow Film & TV
- Distribution companies
- Nelonen Media
- Category
- Feature films
- Directors
- Zaida Bergroth
- Screenwriters
- Eeva Putro
- Producers
- Aleksi Bardy, Andrea Reuter
- Premiere
- 2.10.2020
- SES grant
- 919 800 €
- Budget
- 3 600 000 €
- Production companies
- Helsinki-filmi Oy
- Distribution companies
- Nordisk Film
In the midst of her artistic struggles and unconventional personal life, Tove Jansson found worldwide success from an unexpected side project: the creation of the beloved world of the Moomins. Tove is a captivating drama about the creative energy of an iconic talent and her turbulent search for identity, desire and freedom.
Goodbye Soviet Union
- International co-production: EE-FI
- Category
- Feature films
- Directors
- Lauri Randla
- Screenwriters
- Lauri Randla
- Producers
- Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff, Peeter Urbla
- Premiere
- 10.7.2020
- SES grant
- 320 000 €
- Budget
- 1 400 000 €
- Production companies
- Oy Bufo Ab
Humoristinen Näkemiin Neuvostoliitto kertoo inkerinsuomalaisen Tarkkisen perheen värikkäistä vaiheista Neuvosto-Viron viimeisinä vuosina. Salaperäiseen Leningrad-3-kaupunkiin sekä 80- ja 90-luvun taitteen Tallinnaan sijoittuva draamakomedia on ensimmäinen inkerinsuomalainen pitkä näytelmäelokuva.
Elokuvassa nuoren Johanneksen (Niklas Kouzmitchev) vapaamielinen opiskelijaäiti (Nika Savolainen) on kallellaan länteen, kun taas isoäiti (Ülle Kaljuste) haluaisi pojasta kunnon neuvostokansalaisen. Omintakeinen perhe natisee liitoksissaan ja Viro kipuilee itsenäistymisen kanssa samalla kun nuoren Johanneksen omat kasvukivut käyvät yhä kovemmiksi. Äidin lähtö Suomeen ja ensirakkaus tšetšeenityttö Veraan (Elene Baratashvili) mullistavat pojan elämän.
Eric Stoneheart
- International coproduction EE-FI
- Category
- Feature films
- Directors
- Ilmar Raag
- Screenwriters
- Livia Ulman, Andris Feldmanis
- Producers
- Aleksi Bardy, Riina Sildos
- Release year
- 2022
- SES grant
- 150 000 €
- Budget
- 4 039 000 €
- Production companies
- Helsinki-filmi Oy
Erik (11) is convinced he has a stone for a heart. That’s why he doesn’t mind that his parents have no time for him, or that he is bullied at school, or that he has no real friends.
When his family moves to a villa they inherited, he is confronted by Maria (11) whom Erik’s parents want to kick out along with her father. Maria refuses to move and promises to make Erik’s life a living hell.
As a last attempt to defeat Erik, Maria goes to look for her mother who disappeared two years ago. Together they end up on a fantastical journey to the In-Between-World and Erik learns how hard it really is to wear a heart of stone.
The Longest Day
- International coproduction SE-FI
- Category
- Feature films
- Directors
- Jonas Selberg Augustsén
- Screenwriters
- Jonas Selberg Augustsén
- Producers
- Annalisa Schmuckli, Saana Räntilä
- Release year
- 2020
- SES grant
- 100 000 €
- Budget
- 2 116 000 €
- Production companies
- Empire Pictures Oy
Midsummer, somewhere above the arctic circle. During this brightest day of the year, above the 55th parallel north, a group of people bravely soldier on with their respective pursuits, before they gather at nighttime by the community’s traditional Midsummer bonfire in order to celebrate — the longest day’s ending…
- International co-production: RU-FI
- Category
- Feature films
- Directors
- Valery Todorovsky
- Screenwriters
- Lyubov Mulmenko
- Producers
- Aleksi Hyvärinen, Toni Valla, Maxim Koropzov, Natalia Drodz
- Release year
- 2020
- SES grant
- 125 000 €
- Budget
- 1 144 800 €
- Production companies
- Don Films Oy
The Innocents
- International co-production NO-FI
- Category
- Feature films
- Directors
- Eskil Vogt
- Screenwriters
- Eskil Vogt
- Producers
- Maria Ekerlov, Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari
- Premiere
- 8.4.2022
- SES grant
- 105 000 €
- Budget
- 3 028 000 €
- Production companies
- Oy Bufo Ab
- Distribution companies
- B-Plan Distribution
The Innocents is a psychological horror film that follows four children who become friends during the summer holidays. Out of sight of the adults they discover they have hidden powers. While exploring their newfound abilities in the nearby forests and playgrounds, their innocent play takes a dark turn and strange things begin to happen.
- Category
- Feature films
- Directors
- Teppo Airaksinen
- Screenwriters
- Ali Moussavi, Olli Haikka
- Producers
- Olli Haikka, Marko Talli
- Premiere
- 23.2.2022
- SES grant
- 790 000 €
- Budget
- 4 926 000 €
- Production companies
- Yellow Film & TV
- Distribution companies
- SF Studios Oy
Best friends Neil and Gilbert enter their senior year of high school hoping to go out with a bang. Unfortunately for them, they had no idea how crazy that bang would be. Be careful what you wish for, because it might come true.