
Shortly is a short film matinee series we organize in our Kino K13 cinema. The screenings are free of charge and subtitled in English (unless mentioned otherwise).

The screenings are curated by Otto Suuronen, International Promotion Advisor for Short Films.

How to find Kino K13

Finnish Film Foundation’s safer space guidelines apply in all our events.

Spring screenings: 

Sunday, March 2, 2025, 15:00 Jussi Film Award Nominees

Sunday, April 6, 2025, 15:00 Directed by Pia Andell

Book a free ticket

SUnDAY March 2, 2025, 15:00

Shortly: Directed by Pia Andell

The screening includes Göring’s Baton (2010), a mid-length documentary film which was awarded at Tampere Film Festival, and three short fiction films from the past 10 years. Total duration 90 min.


Göring’s Baton

2010 | documentary | 38 min
Director & Scriptwriter: Pia Andell

Göring’s Baton tells the story of Felix Forsman, a young and curious Finnish war cinematographer, and his remarkable secret filming assignment in Nazi Germany.

A Halt

2016 | fiction | 6 min
Director & Scriptwriter: Pia Andell

A small film on communication – either there is too little of it, or too late.

The Match

2018 | fiction | 16 min
Director & Scriptwriter: Pia Andell

Two middle-aged women on a tennis court. One hour match.  One wants desperately to win, and the other is afraid of competing. Will the breathing exercises be of any help?


2024 | fiction | 30 min
Director: Pia Andell
Scriptwriter: Suna Vuori

Middle-aged friends are having dinner. Amidst friends there are things you can talk about and things you can not. 

Further information

Otto Suuronen

Advisor / International Promotion and Cultural Export of Short Films

• festival distribution strategy for short films and short documentary films
• travel, project and material and marketing support for short films and short documentary films
• monthly short film screenings at Kino K13
• curating short film programmes

+ 358 9 6220 3019

Reeta Onninen

Cinema Manager

• bookings and billing
• cinema projectionist

+358 9 6220 3027