Accountability in the film industry
On this page, you will find information on the activities of The Finnish Film Foundation to promote a more diverse and responsible film culture. In addition, the materials compiled here enable us to jointly promote a more ecological, accessible, equal and safe film sector.
The goal of The Finnish Film Foundation is to support diverse and accessible film culture and a fair and equal working environment within the film industry. Ecologically and socially sustainable film sector will remain viable in the future. The aim is an innovative, interesting film culture that speaks to a wide range of audiences.
Accessible film culture
At its simplest, accessibility within the film industry means that different groups of people, regardless of their background, can participate in the making of films and the enjoyment of film culture.
The availability of audio description and subtitling for the hearing impaired are required of films receiving marketing and distribution support from The Finnish Film Foundation. The Foundation also gives support for producing audio description and subtitles for the hearing impaired.
Film audio descriptions for the visually impaired can be listened to via the MovieReading app, which can be downloaded to a mobile phone. There are also films with audio description available in Yle Areena.
Cinema-owners can apply for cinema equipment and modernization support in order to improve the cinema’s accessibility through renovations.
At the end of 2020, an accessibility guide for cinemas, prepared in cooperation with different disability organisations, will be published.
The website of the Culture for All contains information and tools to promote the accessibility of cultural services.
Parity and equality
In accordance with the strategy of the Finnish Film Foundation, we want to promote equality in the film industry.
Statistics on the diversity of filmmaker groups are collected by means of a production report, which is submitted for all films and series that have received a production grant from the Film Foundation (starting from 2020). The production report also provides information on the diversity of the characters seen in the films and series.
We publish statistics on diversity and gender equality in the yearly Facts & Figures publication.
We train our staff to recognize their biases and to promote inclusion and diversity in their work. We have published our safer space guidelines.
We are a collaborator of the Academy of Moving People and Images training project, which aims to help mobile people and under-represented cultural groups in the Finnish film industry to enter the sector.
Avaus Sustainability Website
In 2025, Audiovisual Producers Finland – APFI opened the Avaus site which provides information, practical guidebooks and tools related to sustainability in the audiovisual industry.
Diversity in the Film Industry
During the spring of 2021, we commissioned articles from various writers, inviting them to examine the issues of diversity and equality in the Finnish film industry.
Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan
WIFT Finland as built an equality tool for the Finnish film industry. Finnish Film Foundation supported the development of tool with support for the promotion of other film culture.
All projects that have received production support must provide an equality and non-discrimination plan created using the tool. The obligation applies to support decisions made after April 1, 2025. See support guide for further instructions.
Safety and well-being at work
Safety and well-being are crucial also in the film and audiovisual industries. Several organizations and persons have developed guidebooks and training for better occupational health and work environment.
Projects that have received production support from the Foundation are required to comply with Finnish occupational health and safety legislation.
A precondition for production support is that the recipient provides assurance that the production crew and their supervisors have been given clear instructions on how to proceed when encountering possible harassment or unacceptable behaviour. A description of the method used to provide the crew and their supervisors with these instructions must also be presented.
The Centre for Occupational Safety has resources for securing safe and healthy working conditions:
The Ministry of Education and Culture commissioned ethical guidelines for the arts and culture sector from Forum Artis, the national co-operation organ for Finnish artists’ associations. Finnish Film Foundation was interviewed in the process. The guidelines were published in March 2023.
Preventing inappropriate treatment, harassment and sexual harassment
In collaboration with several organizations, Finnish Film Foundation published guidelines for the prevention of sexual harassment in our industry in 2018. Audiovisual Producers Finland – APFI updated the material in 2024. The guidelines are available free of charge in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Guide for preventing inappropriate treatment, harassment and sexual harassment in the film and TV industry (pdf)
Opas epäasiallisen käytöksen, häirinnän ja seksuaalisen häirinnän ehkäisyyn elokuva- ja tv-alalla (pdf)
Anvisningar för förebyggande av osakligt bemötande, trakasserier och sexuella trakasserier inom film- och TV-branschen (pdf)
Doing intimate scenes in camerawork
In the autumn of 2020, we published the guidelines prepared by actor Saara Kotkaniemi for doing intimate scenes in camera work. The guidelines include practical recommendations and instructions for actors, directors, producers and other crew members. The guidelines are based on a report for which Kotkaniemi interviewed 40 actors and 20 directors.
To complement the guidelines, instructions on working with an intimacy coordinator were published in the summer of 2021. They are written by intimacy coordinator Pia Rickman.
Ecological sustainability
We are committed to the principles of sustainable development in our own operations. Finnish Film Foundation uses the EcoCompass environmental management system.
In August 2020, we carried out the first ecological survey aimed at production companies, the purpose of which is to create an environmental awareness and performance indicator for the sector. A follow-up study was conducted and published in 2024.
Nordic Ecological Standard
We are members in the Nordic film institutes’ (The Five Nordics) Nordic Sustainability Working Group which tracks and develops environmental sustainability work in the Nordic countries and internationally. In 2024, the Working Group began developing a common Nordic Ecological Standard (NES) for audiovisual productions.
Environmentally sustainable audiovisual production
The Foundation participates in the Green Round Table convened by Audiovisual Producers Finland APFI. The round-table sessions of different stakeholders negotiate on common policies for the audiovisual sector that promote environmentally sustainable production.
APFI has launched a project that will develop an environmental strategy for the industry as well as provide a concrete tool for measuring the environmental footprint of productions. For the project, APFI received our Support for the Promotion of Other Film Culture in the spring of 2021. The following year, the environmental system albert was launched in Finland.
We continue to work closely with APFI and other industry stakeholders in developing a more sustainable working culture for the audiovisual industry in Finland.
APFI’s Ecologial Sustainability Strategy
In 2019, AVEK, APFI and Aalto University published the Ekosetti guidebook, which describes in practical terms how to reduce the environmental footprint of audiovisual productions. In 2025, a follow up guide, Ekosetti in Euros, was published. It focuses on the economics of sustainable production.
Both guidebooks are available in Finnish and English, free of charge:
The Finnish Lapland Film Commission has produced its own guidebook for productions filming in Lapland.
Sustainability Sprint
A sustainability challenge for you and your production company to take a step forward in creating more sustainable productions in the future!
Sustainability in cinemas
An eco-guidebook (in Finnish) for cinemas was published in 2021 by Creative Export Innovations, with support from the Foundation.
Tell us about interesting sustainability projects
Are you aware of a project, seminar or publication related to the environmental footprint of the film industry? We are happy to share information on reducing the environmental impact of the industry in our communication channels. Tips can be sent to