Englanninkielinen tiedotus- ja verkostoitumistapahtuma elokuvantekijöille
Globe Art Point, AVEK ja elokuvasäätiö järjestävät englanninkielisen tiedotus- ja verkoistoitumistapahtuman, joka on suunnattu erityisesti ei-suomenkielisille elokuvantekijöille.
What about Finnish film support grants?
Are you a filmmaker or scriptwriter who wants to know more about Finnish film support grants? AVEK – Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture Finland, Globe Art Point and The Finnish Film Foundation are hosting an information session about scriptwriting grants and other audiovisual funding available in Finland.
Tuesday, May 28, 17:00–19:00
Kino K-13, Kanavakatu 12, Helsinki
The event is free of charge and it will be held in English. The event will finish with time for networking and drinks.
17:00 Welcome & Introduction to Globe Art Point / Diego Ginartes
17:10 Introduction to the Finnish Film Foundation / Head of Communications Reetta Hautamäki
Scriptwriting grants & other production support from FFF / Film Commissioner Kaisu Isto
17:30 AVEK presentation / Director Ulla Simonen & Film Commissioner Outi Rousu
17:50 Q&A
18:00–19:00 Networking & drinks
NB: this event is specially designed for English speaking filmmakers.
Register here by May 27th.
This event is organized by
AVEK – Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture Finland
Globe Art Point
The Finnish Film Foundation